
    We installed CCTV at our Plan 4 years ago, and have since successfully used it on many occasions to identify breaches of our security system (e.g tampering with auto. gates at carpark entry and exit) and to identify departing residents who dump surplus materials (e.g mattresses) in the bin area.

    So I can confirm Jimmy T's summation, and add two other points to consider:

    1. The cameras should not invade resident's rights to privacy in their units, so avoid positions that look directly at entry doors and windows;
    2. Compliance with the NSW Workplace Surveillance Act (2005) requires that Owners Corporation's (O/C) and Residents provide advice of the surveillance to all contractors that they engage to work on the property. Our O/C covers that by placing a small CCTV symbol followed by a brief note on the bottom of all Work Orders that it issues. 

    Hope this helps.