
    Surveys can provide a valuable indicator of how the majority of owners are thinking – or if they are thinking about a topic at all – but, like the polls before a political election, they are not a substitute for the real thing when votes have actual consequences.

    In your position I would put a motion to your committee that any report on these straw polls should:

    • present a summary of how many owners or residents were contacted
    • how they were contacted
    • the total number of responses
    • the results be presented to the strata committee for consideration before they were presented to the owners corporation as the basis for any motions to a general meeting.

    I would add as a footnote that any perceived lack of transparency undermines the credibility of what could and should be a valuable tool in the management of your community.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.