Lady Penelope

    Children make noise. As we age it appears that we become less tolerant to children’s noise.

    If you are particularly concerned then check to see whether there is a By-law regarding the age of children that are allowed in the pool without supervision, or any rules that deal with the supervision of children on common property.

    If the children are supposed to be supervised and they are still too noisy then perhaps you need to talk to the person supervising the children. They may not be aware that the noise level is disturbing to others. They may have their headphones on listening to music etc. Sometimes (but not always) better supervision = better noise control.

    Below are some suggestions from the Royal Life Saving Society of Australia regarding pools. It does not deal with noise – merely with supervision. 

    Perhaps your scheme can adopt them into your By-laws.

    • Children (under 10 years) are not allowed entry unless under active supervision of a person 16 years or older.
    • Parents and guardians should actively supervise their children at all times and be dressed ready to enter a pool. For 0–5 year olds and non-swimmers, a parent or guardian needs to be in the water at all times and within arms’ reach of the child. It is best if you are engaging with your child i.e. playing with them, talking to them.
    • Supervision sign for children aged 6 - 10Constant active supervision is required for children aged 6–10 years old. Parents and carers must be prepared to enter the water with this age group.
    • For 11–14 year olds it is recommended that parents regularly check on their child by physically going to where they are in or around the water.