
    The simple answer is yes, as far as i know, anyone who is a legitimate member of the EC can be elected to to any office within the EC. But don’t forget, this election is by other EC members on a mone-person, one vote basis and can be rescinded by a simple majority at an EC meeting. In other words whether they are a tenant or an absentee landlord, they are only there with the approval firstly of the Owners whi either elected them or didn’t put a candidate up against them, and then by the majority approval of the other EC members.

    On a general point, I know long-term tenants who have contributed more to the general well-being of buildings that, for instance, investor owners who don’t give a damn what goes on as long as their unit is always tenanted.

    On the other hand, I heard of an autocratic chairman who would not permit any opinions contrary to his own who, when he was finally challenged, turned out to be a tenant who didn’t have anyone’s proxy and hadn’t had for years – but he was the longest-running resident of the building so after a few years everyone assumed he was an owner.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.