
    We did think about the spread of termites to neighbouring properties.  So we “advised” owners that should they not keep up to date with their termite inspections, then if a neighbouring property found that they had termites and had keep up to date, then we “may” find them liable for not getting the inspections.  That is, if apartment A does nothing and apartment B does everything right and gets pests that are coming from apartment A, we would say that apartment A's negligence caused apartment B's problem and so they should be liable.  So far it has not come to this.  However, the prospect of being liable for not only their own home but their neighbours has put the fear of God into owners.  We have 100% compliance with inspections (owners have to submit a copy of their inspection report every 12 months).

    And strata owners definitely do need to realise that  no matter what, it is them who pays.  Owners here thought that if the EC/OC organised these inspections, then they would pay.  When we mentioned increased levies, they wanted to do it themselves!  Same with our plumbing, they wanted strata to cover, we said OK we will increase levies.  They said they would rather unclog their drains themselves thanks!  As I have said before, they want to pay for the YMCA but live at the Versace Hotel!  Don't we all.