
    It's good to know I am not alone Easty!  There are parallel universe complexes out there!

    I too feel that people move in with great expectations.  I infact have friends who tell me they want to sell up to move into strata and have absolutely  nothing to do!  Some of our residents do not understand EC and OC differences.  So quite funny when they complain about the OC doing nothing – they are actually complaining about themselves!  And residents need to know they need to tell the SM/EC if they see something.  We had a water main break in the street creating a “waterfall” in the complex.  Residents had noticed it – but no one had contacted SM/Waterboard or anyone.  Apparently, that is for the EC members to do – if and when they should stumble across the problem!

    I can't honestly imagine how any of these people would cope in a free standing house.  If everything is too for them in strata, how hard will it be when you have to do/arrange and pay for absolutely everything!

    And regarding common property, half the time our EC spent on issues of addressing the use/misuse of common property.  Only to have the same people do the same thing over and over again.  What a time waster!

    I definitely believe that there should be some kind of training for the EC. If an EC can be held liable for their decisions/actions and have to fork out money (as in bpositives case) then they should have some sort of formal training!  A certification of Executive Committeeism renewable every couple of years like the First Aid certificate. I also believe that EC members should have to sign a code of conduct for their own behaviours and to ensure no favouritism or prejudice in their decisions.

    I have said previously that I believe that everyone moving into/buying into strata should have to sign a statement in which they acknowledge there are strata bylaws in place that should be followed and that they understand the nature of strata.  That may stop some of the “oh really, I didn't know – no one told me” scenarios!?  And it may make people stop and think if strata is for them.  Want to do your own thing 100% of the time – then strata's not your thing.

    And perhaps there should be some decent remuneration for EC members.  You want someone at your beck and call – you can pay for it!  But don't think they  could pay me enough to put up with all that rigmarole.

    I have seriously considered building my own complex with like minded people (I know of  4).  A place where people knew what they had to take care of, what they couldn't touch, what they do owned, what they don't, of cheery good mornings from neighbours, occasional gatherings, looking out for each other (whilst not being in each others pockets thanks!).  Just being good, happy strata neighbours!  I used to live in such a place.  I want to live there again.