
Dear All,
I also have been on Committee for a number of years and found that residents do knock on your door at all hours about the most mundane issues especially if you happen to have the role of Secretary. For some reason residents believe the Secretary runs the building,and or the EC should be dealing with these mundane issues 24/7 and maybe that is the case in some plans but not exactly the Acts definition.Our plan finds what works is a notice on board with contact details for Strata Manager and Emergency Numbers for electrical etc,all complaints and issues that are not emergency are directed in writing to the Strata Managers office then forwarded on to Committee for instruction.But that does not solve Unexpected Leighs problem. I feel Unexpected Leigh has an incompetent Strata Manager and should therefore contact her EC possibly by letterbox? Do you have a BC letterbox? Or you could do some door knocking. Do you have a notice board as EC minutes show the EC Members or if you are an Owner your recent AGM notice/ minutes will tell you who the members voted in are and should also contain financials which include lot numbers, names etc. Or perhaps you could email a complaint to DOFT and cc the Strata Manager if you don’t have the EC email addresses? That may move some butt!

Good Luck!