
    When I put up my hand to be on the EC (one of the few), the responsibilities I undertook included, organising repairs/maintenance, meeting with tradies and getting quotes done for work, I swept up the millions of leaves on common property, cleaned other areas of common property, arranged for notices to residents (delivered personally), cleaned out the stormwater drains, was main contact for the SM (had my mobile/home/email), gave the SM my itinerary so they knew where I was and how best to contact me in an emergency, started up an email address for residents (who hardly used it) and did alot of the gardening.  All for no money and little thanks (infact residents didn't say hello let alone thanks).  I spent my own money at times. I got things done.  I organised the EC meetings.  I also coped a fair bit of whinging in the driveway.  So please excuse me if I would like to have some time to myself without interruption (emergencies excluded).  I also work, have a family and a life!

    One resident who had a problem was told by the SM to just knock on my door.  I later found a note under my door where said resident was astounded I was not home when ever they knocked.  I explained that I did not sit in an armchair on the otherside of the door hoping, wishing that someone would knock with something that I would need to go the the SM anyway!  So I did  put my hand up, and I did take on all that work/responsibilty.  But did not put my hand up for intrusion of my time.

    But not a problem now.  Not on the EC.  Don't do anything (except work, family and my entire life).  Now we hire people to do all I did for nothing (with levy increase), now no quotes get done, no works been done on outstanding issues, no maintenance attended to lately.  No interruptions of any kind to me!  And if ever being on any EC means I have to give up all my time – no way.  Will not have my evening merlot interrupted because someone's remote for their garage has a flat battery!   Cheers!