
    I assume by your alias that you’re in NSW, in which case KP’s absolutely correct.

    If there IS a Special By-Law (SBL) in place covering the installation of tiles by Owners, then it will almost certainly contain something about who’s responsible for on-going maintenance, replacement, and repairs of those; usually the individual Lot Owners.

    IF on the other hand there’s no SBL in place, then all that your Owners Corporation is legally required to do is make the repairs to the surface of the balconies and to return those to their original state; that is without tiles.

    I imagine that will likely cause some angst amongst those Owners whose balconies are tiled and please those whose balconies aren’t, but when the dust settles, your O/C needs to make a decision about how it pleases the majority.

    Whatever the decision, before any further tiling is done at whoever’s expense your O/C needs to place an Item on the Agenda for its next General Meeting to “Specially Resolve” (where ≥75% of those in attendance need to vote in favour) to create a Register a SBL to enable Owners to, at their discretion, tile their balconies.

    That SBL should include a statement about who’s then responsible for the on-going maintenance etc, and in my opinion conditions about tile materials (e.g. non-slip), consistency of colour/s, and size etc – particularly if balconies are visible from the streetscape or from other units.