› Flat Chat Strata Forum › Talkin’ ’bout a renovation › Timber floors installed in upstairs unit › Current Page
You wrote:
Why must I spend $ on such things? Surely if the noise producing owner is adhering to the by laws (after all the SC ticked off on his renovations), surely evidence must be presented by him or the SC that the wooden floors were appropriately treated so they comply with the by law?
Because it is most likely that as soon as you say that the new floors are non-compliant and noisy they will have documentation from the installer that it does comply with the by-law.
That will address the first part of your complaint. Then you will have to prove that it is now too noisy.
Jimmy has addressed what you need to do:
You may have to start a “noise diary” and get an acoustic engineer report to establish that the noise from upstairs is excessive and breaches both by-laws and strata laws on your right to the peaceful enjoyment of your lot.
This evidence can then be used to seek remediation of the issue. It will lead to a quicker resolution that going through each stage separately.
Now, can you seek recompense for the cost of the acoustic engineer? That is a question that another Flat Chatter will need to answer.