
How is that any more offensive than the acrid and disgusting asian or indian food that smells out whole floors and common areas in apartment buildings? I know this all in the nose of the beholder here (like bbq’s) but I find this way more offensive to the senses than a bit of bbq smoke now and again. The other smells are every day fare for these residents and so it never stops. I dont smell too many bbq’s in the heart of winter or when it is raining but I do get all the others more than regularly.
Does living in a “home” make it any less offensive to have the next door neighbour fire up their bbq when you are down wind ? Is that going to be outlawed as well?? These are hardly offensive and health damaging effect unlike a proven carcinogenic link with cigarette smoke.
I think you need to take a chill pill on this one as there is certainly no where near the same amount of offense caused by the odd bbq.