
    Dear Jimmy…I note your concern about the cowboy Body Corporate Managers (BCM) (as they are known in QLD).
    We have the same problem north of the border.
    Anyone can start up as a BCM in QLD, and the only control is caveat emptor. There is no regulatory oversight at all.
    Am aware of at least two recent cases up here where the Commissioner’s Adjudicator absolutely bucketed the BCMs involved…but they are still practicing and without penalty.
    The two cases are reported on Austlii.edu :
    Springfields Gold Coast – [2015] QBCCMCmr 552 (23 November 2015) per Complete Body Corporate Services
    Northcliffe [2016] QBCCMCmr 211 (11 May 2016) per Select Strata Management

    The sooner the government introduces some oversight over our BCMs, the better it will be for all of us.
    Ross Anderson
    Vice-President/Secretary: Unit Owners Association of Queensland