
    This is exactly what by-laws are for – setting limits that are acceptable to the vast majority of owners.

    My building limits building work to 7.30 am Monday to Friday (except public holidays) and not at all at weekends.

    That pretty much stops hobby renovators in their tracks as it confines working time to basically the same hours operated by professional builders.  

    Why would you do that?

    1. you don’t want amateurs or unlicensed builders messing around with your building’s water pipes, electricity, and other common property.

    2. Weekends are when most people are at home relaxing – you don’t want yours to be shattered by noise from building works

    3.  Professionals get in and get jobs done as quickly as possibly becasue time is money.  Hobby renovators will never be finished.  Weekend after weekend of hammering, sawing and drilling because some numpty has seen a bathroom on The Block and wants to have a go him or herself?  I don’t think so.

    Do yourself a favour and get the numbers lined up to get this through your next general meeting.

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