
    Well you have done the right thing by asking for permission to do this renovation.  And, I am no expert, but I do believe that in this age of internet/sms etc, that these forms of electronic communication can be deemed “written”.  To do the wrong thing via email can get you into a lot of trouble, so by doing the right thing – I don't see how it cannot be classed as “in writing”.  Though perhaps some stratas do not see it that way and want the bic biro signature on the bottom of the paper.  This complex would be happy if anyone would actually ask permission in any way shape or form!

    I cannot for some reason access the start of this thread? but believe I read that others have had similar problems with their renos?  With the new fitting not fitting with the old?  In that case, I would think that it would benefit all if something was done in all units to ensure that any future renos would not encounter this same problem.  Would not be good for the complex as a whole for future residents to find that there was leaking plumbing due to old fixtures not matching new!  I personally would not like to find that someone putting in a new loo above may affect me below!