alley cat

    All residents are entitled to the reasonable peaceful enjoyment of their own home.

    In addition to the great information already posted another point that I make to noisey neighbours is that I can hear what they are talking about. That this is an inadvertent invasion of their privacy and mine, because I really don’t want to know their ‘business’ and that I find this ‘knowledge’ personally embarassing. EmbarassedYou might like to let the noisey neighbour know just how much you know about them – as the only way to avoid hearing what they are talking about is to wear ear plugs. And as I make a point of maintaining my privacy so should they.

    They are also in breach of their lease agreement, as a landlord you want decent tenants who are not going to use and abuse their property, regular parties place a great deal of additional wear and tear on the property and could be viewed as problematic in renewing a lease. Do make that point strongly to the property manager.

    PS: Playing Chinese Opera or similiar may also very useful. But 2 wrongs don’t make a right either and this could seriously backfire.