
    You really are between a rock and a hard place.  The first thing you need to do is sort out the strata manager.  If she is not prepared to do her job, then she should resign, otherwise you can complain to Fair Trading.

    Secondly, you should tell her in detail (and in writing) what needs to be done including raising a special levy or a loan to pay for it. It’s important to get this in writing as that’s when the clock starts ticking. 

    Meanwhile, tell her if he hasn’t acted on pursuing the strata scheme’s legal responsibilities within two months, you will seek orders at NCAT under section 138 forcing her to do so.

    Strata managers have so much power under a statutory appointment that she could sort all of this out – provided she is prepared to put up with the tsunami of abuse that is inevitably coming her way.  

    However, if she isn’t being paid enough for all this grief, she should start charging for answering abusive emails and listening to abusive phone calls – and send you and your neighbours a letter explaining that she plans to do this.

    If she is a member of Strata Community Australia, contact them and ask them to support her, if need be.  If she isn’t, I would do my best to get rid of her and have her replaced by someone who is.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.