
    Sty – doesn’t appear that you are getting much support, from either the strata managing agent or other owners.

    I am not a lawyer – but if in your shoes, I would likely go down the mediation/NCAT (are you in NSW?) path rather than try to address the strata manager’s questions (which they should be able to advise in any case).

    The first step would be to apply for mediation with the strata managing agent. No matter the outcome of the mediation, you would at least have some of your questions answered and a door would open to apply to NCAT to have the strata manager dismissed.

    As a lot owner, you can apply to Fair Trading yourself – you do not need permission from committee, strata manager or other owners. However, you will need to be prepared for a push-back defensive response.

    I have followed this path myself, and whilst it did not lead to the dismissal of the strata managing agent (which I did not ask for but was my next step), it has lead to proper processes being put in place. 

    In regards to legal fees – we use two motions 

    1. That the SP ???? resolve to obtain legal services in relation to…….. and concerning ……….

    2. That the SP ???? resolves to engage ????? to act on its behalf in the provision of legal services referred to in previous motion and all matters incidental thereto in accordance with their cost agreement and disclosure dated ????