
    According to my reading of the law you can skip mediation and go straight to Adjudication IF the Strata Roll (or other legal document) shows unit entiltlements are different from what she has been paying, because a mediator has no jurisdiction in this case.

    If it becomes clear the officiers of the self managed Strata complex have manipulated the strata fees to reduce their fees and increase the fees others pay it is a clear case of corruption and could involve the police. Suggest you imply this is the action you will take if adjudication goes in your favour.

    You need to be sure the strata fees you are paying are NOT in line with the Strata fees you should be paying based on unit entitlement.

    From NSW Strata living

    What disputes are excluded?
    The following disputes are excluded from mediation:
    • appointment of a compulsory strata managing agent
    • compensation
    • allocation of unit entitlements
    • penalty disputes.