Mr Wong

    Compile a list of how your SM has wasted or mismanaged OC money or business. Unless you already know the SM company’s lawyers or can find it by other means, make an appointment to look through your OC’s documents held in the SM’s office, as is the right of all owners (they may ask a fee for accommodating your search and that is their right, but unlikely . . . although with your SM’s past form . . ? ). Somewhere in that pile of documents may be the name of one of their lawyers. Without divulging either your own or Strata Property’s details or SM’s name, phone that lawyer. Ask for an estimate to prepare a submission to NCAT against your SM and mention you are looking for a law firm that will take no prisoners. If you are given any encouragement that you have a case, tell the lawyer you want to shop around and may call them back. Let the name of your SM drop by accident before you hang up. If you have a valid case, you may now just sit back and wait for the SM’s resignation. 😉