
    I see the EC role as political.  Which in many ways it is.  EC members are elected and have quite large powers.  In a way it’s the next level of politics: Federal, State, Local then OC.

    Why would anyone go into politics?  Certainly not for the money – of which there is none at OC level anyway.  And just like all the other levels, those who go into politics can get abused.  And of course they get demands and complaints to fix or change things.  And in the end, they get very little or no thanks. 

    The reasons to go on the EC vary from person to person.  For me it’s to try to improve the living experience of all residents.  And that means trying to get things done and to make improvements that benefit the majority.    And it’s about not being apathetic.  If something matters, try to understand it and get involved.

    It never ceases to amaze my how one issue can be of paramount importance to one resident(s) but of zero importance to another(s).  Getting the 12 owners in the OC where I live to all agree on any matter is almost  impossible – thank goodness for majority voting.

    And the apathy in an OC can be amazing.  One of the OCs where I’m a member has 200 lots.  At the AGM last week only 6 owners turned up.  Of those, the only non-resident owner was me.   Yet the complaints from the non-attendees will freely flow through the next year.

    But at the end of each year our building becomes a (sometimes only slightly) better place to live.  That makes it all worthwhile.