
I am an owner/occupier as well as a landlord in my strata plan.  I have had so many difficulties with other owners & tenants keeping pets.  In my experience, it doesn’t matter what is agreed, residents with animals just do what they want no matter how it adversely affects the others in the strata plan or other neighbours and then it is up to me and Owners Corporation to spend time/money/energy on trying to sort the problems out eg let cats roam the property day & night – I have had cats wandering into my garage when I have the side door ajar for fresh air when I am in inside for a period of time, allow dogs to be unleashed on common property whom ‘rush’ at me and small children whom are visiting myself or my tenant, refuse to believe dogs are barking when left home alone all day, allow cats & dogs to defacate on the lawns and in the gardens which is smelly and unpleasant for those whom tend to these gardens (me), keep birds & parrots whom make loads of noise, keep snakes plus live mice/rats to feed them, allow their dogs to have puppies so “one small dog” becomes 5 dogs overnight – then those whom complain (me) are considered to be harsh – it ends up being others whom are expected to accept and accommodate the presence of these pets – permission is never sought BEFORE, it is always after the fact and once these pets are in, they never leave, no matter what.  I believe it is the irresponsible behaviour of pet owners that encourage Owners Corporations to frown upon pet ownership in a strata plan – it is easier just to say no than to continually argue with these people for months, if not years.  Again, in my experience, unit living, especially the small 1 bedroom/studio units in my strata plan, is generally unsuitable for most pets.  Personally, I value the native wildlife at our property but the birds, possums, bandicoots, bilbys etc are continually chased away or attacked by the pets of inconsiderate and ignorant pet owners whom refuse to change their behaviour.  In my book, pet ownership is a privilege, not a right.  I shake my head when I read stories about disadvantaged families whom have quite a few children PLUS a dog and/or cat and complain landlords will not lease their properties to them.  I won’t be handing over the property I scrimped, saved & worked my behind off to acquire and lovingly take care of to have it trashed by animals & be made to feel I ‘owe’ people whom have chosen their circumstances (we all do) and feel pet ownership is for them when they are not set up securely.  When I was a naive, first time landlord, I believed the promises of a couple of my tenants with “1 small dog” – one moved in with 7 animals which grew to 12 – and after having carpets stained with urine & torn, fly screens ripped, and numerous other damages plus the copmplaints of neighbours about the barking an howling – never again!