
    Not everybody wishes to get involved to that extent. There is no malice intended in that.  

    Nobody said anything about malice* but people come to this website looking for information and, sometimes, encouragement.  Pointing out a worst-case scenario as if that’s what they can expect is misleading and unhelpful.

    People get run over crossing the road every day; would you advise pedestrians not to cross the road?  

    I accept your intentions were good but we really have to lay-off all the horror stories every time someone asks a question.

    Plenty of people have followed our advice and had good outcomes, maybe you would care to dig out some of those, just for balance.

    *Correction, I did: “Never ascribe to malice anything that can just as easily be explained by stupidity.” In my defence, I was referring to the failure of OCs and SCs to act – not to Dingo’s comments. – JT

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