

    Nobody said anything about malice but people come to this website looking for information and, sometimes, encouragement.  Pointing out a worst-case scenario as if that’s what they can expect is misleading and unhelpful.

    JT, my understanding is that Beth99 appears to be upset that the By-Laws in her block are being ignored , the SM is not doing anything to help, and by the tone of her post she feels let down by it and was asking what she could do. I have outlined that other people have had similar issues which may of some comfort to her, and provided some general options in my first reply to Beth99 which may achieve a good outcome, together with an opinion by others that NCAT may not be the best road for her situation becasue of the reasons stated in that example. I think its best to let Beth99 decide for herself which road she takes dont you think? BTW  If a road is prone to accidents then its probably best avoided.