
Well said Jimmy.
At the very least every strata committee should make sure they have access to a copy of the Act & Regulations governing their state for reference and take some interest in learning what they can and can’t do. Not all strata managers give the correct advice or guidance which results in mismanagement.
Having a strata manager is no guarantee things will go well, or proper guidance will be provided, if “the committee” have a mind of their own, don’t document most of their actions and do not bother to understand the “rules”.
I obtained a SM license after finding the committee had been following their own agenda for 9 years and, apart from AGM , all meetings had been informal with no notices or minutes. The Capital works fund (sinking fund) had been budgeted , and used, annually for cosmetic “wants” resulting in an almost minus balance for essentials works. The push for low levies can have fatal flaws.
Our 10 year old building has long standing water ingress problems which have been repeatedly cheaply patched and now need a very expensive rectification. Special levy have now been imposed on those that can least afford it.
BUT, as you point out, getting anyone on the committee in the first place is nigh on impossible. Some work full time, some can’t be bothered and others only want to whinge!. The odd compliment and good feedback is a plus.
I agree that compulsory training is not likely to take off but a small incentive for those who bother to train might work?
Always follow your articles and column BUT the crazy computer generted passwords are a real obstacle for us “older folks” and being able to make up our own passwords with given criteria would result in more people remaing active on the forums! Saving obscure passwords is not easy.
Keep up the good work.