
    First, I’d like to re-state that the OC needs to fix the problem. 

    Second, about the insurance:  Realise that OC Liability Insurance is cover for something that the OC has done wrong.

    Legally wrong.

    So the question is about how wrong the OC has to be before the insurance that covers that OC wrong, cuts out. 

    It’s never going to be a good answer.    It’s always going to be a shade of OC bad.

    The OC should not have done it in the first place – no argument from me.  But why have insurance for legal liability unless it covers the OC when the OC is …  well … legally liable?  Is there a point to it otherwise?

    pmo says it’s “black and white” but the law referenced is all about disclosure at the time of taking out a policy or re-newing it. 

    What happens mid-policy?  Because that’s the issue being discussed here – or at least I thought it was …   If the OC is told that it’s neglecting maintenance on something, does that mean the OC’s liability insurance relating to that something then becomes invalid?

    I can’t see how individual owners will be held “personally” liable for an OC responsibility.  But I would be interested to know.