
    Things are not really going according to plan – we decided that we would meet with upstairs owner again (once again bending over backwards to be fair etc) to discuss the issues as she had requested mediation even though she had the NTC – I really thought we could impress on her the level of noise as at the beginning of this stoush her husband had actually heard her walking in bare feet.  But no that didn’t work.  Her response – ‘all go-ahead couples in 2013 have timber floors” and ‘we are an active family and you don’t expect me to stop our child dropping toys on the floor’.

    Well no we don’t expect her to stop her child dropping toys, but it is their child not ours and we don’t have to hear his noise.  We had our children years ago.

    Chairman of EC has now asked either us or her to request mediation through DFT.  Seems he doesn’t realise that the EC issued the NTC.

    We’re off to the legal eagles.