

@Kenny R said:
 The power outlet is adjacent to the car-wash area in the garage and is clearly intended for that use – cleaning and vacuuming of resident’s cars.

Any thoughts please?

Seems you are quite happy for residents (presumably including yourself) to use the common electricity supply to clean cars, rather than have them use a lead from their own lot supply?

Honestly, this is such a superfluous issue… If they are ‘stealing’ electricity from the OC, being themselves as well, within the communal car wash area, I take it your in a ‘big’ enough scheme not to even notice.

Even so, there is bound to be minimal cost and maybe put levies up by say $5 annually to cover this behaviour… It will be worth it rather than singling someone unnecessarily and creating a much bigger issue than was ever necessary.

Look at Sahade v Bischoff [2015] NSWCA 418 (23 December 2015) ar, their strata issues have now gotten so bad it has escalated into criminal proceedings and I’d hate for ANYONE on here (all flat-chat users) to end up feeling so bad, so utterly victimised, that they would have such venom for one other!

Heck, both parties could have done some truely amazing things for their scheme if they were only willing to accept each other as equal neighbours. No doubt they’ll have had their worst Christmas ever having to deal with this at this time of the year!

I was very saddened to read this case as they have both been up at each other’s throats in court and at our lovely Tribunal (it was NCAT who had failed them miserably). It should never have gotten so bad, or gone this far… I don’t care who was wrong or right, they both are victims of the current Strata System and I can only thank Victor Dominello for achieving much needed strata law reforms… I can only hope his Regulations go so far as to remove every possible notion of oppressive behaviour against individual owners too!!

I am sure your scheme has much more important issues than this and if it doesn’t, please tell us all where it is as I’d love to live there… I really mean that as it sounds like a paradise compared to my scheme!