
What about people that attempt to write emails and have to go into great detail of the background of the problem/s.  Sometimes there is no other way and to really make sense of the issue/s, the emails have to been long.  I am currently being penalised and threatened with bankruptcy even though i have done the right thing and paid it done from just over $9,7000 to around $3,400 with another payment made today 23/2/2016.  However the strata manager has done 2 things illegally, 1 called an EGM to have the owners corp take legal action (at this EGM 1 owner that voted was unfinancial and allowed to vote, all votes by the way were by proxy) and 2, has not informed the owners corp of any payments as he says he was not informed by his legal team of any payment and either he is playing dumb or he really was not informed but the solicitor in question was by my solicitor.

So you see sometimes a person does need a long email to really explain and this is quite short as I could really make it long and go into further and indepth detail.