
    You can nominate yourself to be on the Strata Committee.

    Note that the owners have to vote on the number of members of the Committee first (refer below), so assuming there are more nominees than number of positions available, then you can vote in your own right and use the other owner’s proxy to vote as well in respect of that matter, subject to the proxy limitations set out in the Act:

    – if the scheme has 20 lots or less, then in addition to your vote you can only hold and vote one proxy, and you can use the other owner’s proxy

    – if the scheme has more than 20 lots, then you can only hold proxies that are not more than 5% of the total lots.  Note this is calculated by the number of lots, not entitlements.

    For example – if there are 21 to 39 lots, you can hold one proxy 

    40 -59, two proxies

    60 – 79, three proxies

    Office bearers is a separate matter and is determined by the members of the Committee once the Committee is determined.  The OC doesn’t vote on that, the Committee does.

    So in order:

    1. Owners vote on number of members of Committee – you can use the proxy then, if it is 5% or less.

    2. Owners vote on persons to be on the Committee, assuming there are more nominees than positions – you can nominate yourself and vote both your entitlements and the proxy from the other owner.

    3. Vote on appointment of office bearers of the Committee, which is a decision of the Strata Committee, refer section 41 (Schedule 1 is misleading here because it refers to voting for election of office bearers).  You can’t use a proxy at a Strata Committee meeting.

    The unit entitlements of you and the other owner would only be relevant if you called for a poll.  If there is no poll then you would only have two votes.