
    JS – yes it is a bit confusing, but if by a “paper vote” you’re referring to a ballot-style paper to elect members of the executive committee (E/C) then as for every other motion on the agenda for a strata general meeting, the outcome is determined by a majority vote (first past the post) and so YES it can in your example be cast for just one (1) person out of all seven (7) nominees listed for E/C vacancies on the ballot.

    I don’t wish to confuse your situation any further, but I have to point out that the current Act is silent on the subject of so-called “paper votes” for strata meetings (i.e. for E/C and general meetings), and that’s been interpreted on this forum and elsewhere to mean that there must be a physical meeting at a location advised on the agenda, where those who wish to personally attend can do so and determine a quorum; only then can “paper votes” by absentees other than those submitted by a proxy in the approved form be accepted.

    Hope this helps rather than further confuses your situation.