
    As I am once again confronted with the sight of washing in my face as I enter/exit my front door, I wonder as to just why someone would want to let all the world see their unmentionables.  Though this at the moment may be a good distraction to anyone to the complex in that they may not notice the disrepair and lack of maintenance.  But I digress…..

    In our complex, a townhouse complex, the issue of washing has a different approach.  In a unit block, I believe that if the washing is kept under the railing on the balcony, then one couldn’t clearly see it from the common areas outside and neighbours could only see if they lean over their balconys in most instances. Here, my neighbours have their garage doors open so not only is their washing visible from the street, but from the front doors and windows of neighbours, and everyone has to drive by/walk by with this display at eye level.  But, if they had any common sense, they could close their garage doors 2/3 of the way.  Then it would not be clearly visible from common property, would not be visible at all from the street and neighbours would have to crouch down on all fours to see into their garage, which I would deem a breach of privacy!  An semi open garage door could be for cross ventilation purposes and it would be sufficient to allow an air flow into the garage and facilitate drying.  And no one would or should know it is washing behind that door.

    Another reason I believe should be considered when washing is clearly available is that it can tell someone outside who and how many live in a place and in some cases where they work or what they do for a living.  And in the case of the wide open garages in this complex, it allows access into the units without contest.  No deadlocks, no exterior quality doors.  Just a little interior door, the kind you have into the “powder room” with a little twist lock.  Anyone could just walk in, and they already have a fair idea of  who lives there by having a look at the washing.  

    So should an EC advise residents that this practice of leaving their garages and therefore their homes open to the public may not be in their best interests let alone the issue of the unsightly washing?  Or do we wait until something happens and the residents say “well someone should have told us not to do that”.