
    Morticia and Juan Durection, not all clotheslines have to be “on display”. Appropriately worded by-laws (or simply common agreement by owners!) can permit outside clothes drying that doesn’t have the washing visible, eg. clothes-horses must be equal in height or lower than balcony railings so as not to be visible from the street, or in a concealed alcove of the balcony (some buildings have an outside, but concealed area for this now). You can get airers that clip onto the balcony railing and face inward to provide concealed drying space.

    There’s a range of products out that can help with this sort of stuff -e.g.




    @Very Nice landlord, since you likely only need a majority to install another clothesline on common property, I don’t think Lot 4’s objections finally matter. Obviously it would be preferable to have some level of agreement – can perhaps a retractable line be installed, so it’s only out when actually in use? Since it sounds like they’re treating the common yard as ‘theirs’ (ie monopolizing the line, assuming the ‘view’ is all theirs) maybe you may need to take a sterner view though?