
    Just to clarify, when I said I negotiated a myriad of clothes drying racks around my home, I was referring to all the racks inside of my home.  My meaning being I keep my smalls withing my walls!

    A by product of the clothes drying racks in the garages is that these residents are frequently the ones who place their cars in the visitors car spots.  And my hackles were up after one of these residents, on finding visitors car parks full with actual visitors (including my own)  when they wanted to put their car there so they could put their washing in the garage, then parked their car infront of the visitors cars so they couldn't get out.  The street with ample parking would have been about 20 metres away.

    No one has made an official complaint about the washing walk, though many have commented.  We wonder why one would want to expose their clean clothes to a driveway with frequent cars passing in close proximity.  I'll keep mine inside until the sun shines.