
    Just to clarify the washing line situation here further,  owners do have balconies and their own individual washing lines here.  But they don't seem to want to use them.  So this washing is outside my front door.  I don't have to lean over a balcony, I just open my door and bingo there it is.  I wouldn't even mind so much if it was on a washday during the week.  But it is just about everyday.  So I keep my front door shut and my the blinds on front rooms  closed so I don't get flanellettes flapping in my face. 

    I wonder if all these residents do this because if it were on their balconies or clothes lines they would have to look at their washing everyday.  With it in the garage, they don't see it.  But everyone else does.

    I have lived in an apartment previously.  People did put their washing on their balconies.  If I leant over I could see this.  But I could walk out onto my balcony and sit at my table and not see it.  So it was really only there if you looked.  Here, I can't look anywhere without seeing it.