
    I had a similar issue.

    The revised Laundry By-Law as I recall came about because increasing numbers of Strata Plans did not provide clothes lines (e.g. due to a lack of space), and concerns about Metropolitan Sydney (and similar areas) indeed looking like Market St in Bali when residents hung laundered items off balconies to avoid the increased costs of using clothes dryers.

    So with the above in mind and exercising a degree of “reasonableness” the interpretation that the Executive Committee adopted for our Plan is that “laundered items must not obstruct the Common Property, and must not be visible from the streetscape or from any Lot “.

    In your case, that would mean that provided the laundry and drying racks can’t be seen from the street or by other residents from within their homes, and that you and other residents don’t have to “nagivate through the myriad of clothes drying racks” –  it’s OK.