
    That's a bit rough.  Even if it is a by-law you can't destroy someone elses property!  You just can't!  And if this washing is hanging on common property clothes line (ie hanging in the right place) whats the harm?  Who's going to see it in the middle of the night? 

     It's not like most people want to leave their clothes out overnight.  Circumstances may arise that cause a delay in bringing washing in.  Perhaps serial offenders can be reminded (and their clothes remain untouched), but really, if someone leaves their washing out once in a blue moon………But throwing out the “offenders” clothes just isn't on.

    What do they do in enforcing the visitors parking spot by-laws in that complex?  “Park your car here again and we will move it to the street and torch it”?  Wow, and residents here think our EC is too tough!