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Have regulations changed as to why the replacement lock should be different?
Ans: To my knowledge the only applicable requirement would be that the lockset should be able to be opened from inside your unit without the need for a key.
I am at a loss as to why the ceiling, plus walls, restoration (both concrete and plaster, all original) need to be carried out through my insurance and not Strata?
It still baffles me why I had to claim at all and risk higher insurance premiums when this event was not caused by me. Strata it seems can raise levies at their whim but can an owner deduct his costs from levies due?
Ans: An Owners Corporation (O/C) is responsible to properly maintain and repair its Common Property including that necessary due to any failure in or on those areas. Whether or not in the circumstances you describe your O/C seeks to fund those repairs in full or in part via a claim on its building insurance is at its discretion, but the fact remains repairs to affected areas of its Common Property such as ceilings and common walls is the O/C’s responsibility and I’m surprised that your contents insurer accepted your claim without first questioning the O/C’s refusal to meet its obligations under Sect 62 of the Act.
Who is responsible for cracks appearing on the balcony? i.e. the underside of the balcony above me. The cracks within my apartment are becoming more extensive ever expanding since the event
Ans: Maintenance and repairs to the balcony soffit and to common walls within your lot is the O/C’s responsibility, with the exception of re-painting the latter as that’s regarded as an Owners’ “removable surface”, just like floating floorboards are to a lot’s concrete floor slab (i.e. the Owners’).