
    JeremyS – your initial thoughts are correct, and as Chris has suggested, there's no easy answer.

    The leaking pipe is in an internal wall so it's not Common Property, and IF it can also be confirmed by inspection at the time of the repair that the leaking pipe services only that Lot (and as it's a bathroom supply that's likely), then all repairs are the responsibility of the Lot Owner where the leak occurred.

    If that Owner has contents insurance, that should cover all investigatory and consequential costs, including those of the Building Manager, but it won't cover the costs of the repair itself. 

    Not wishing to complicate matters, but if the Owner doesn't have insurance, and as the Owners Corporation has a vested interest in ensuring that repairs to its Common Property are properly undertaken, it could offer to arrange those repairs and to seek an agreement from the Owner of the “leaking pipe” to make a negotiated contribution.