
    A couple of points.  The Strata manager or OC has the power in an emergency (such as damage being caused by a water leak) to gain entry by force if necessary to fix the problem.  That's the number one priority.

    Secondly, they need to properly establish what 's causing the problem – a leaky pipe might not be a problem unless, for instance , the waterproof membrane is also defective.  That could make it a common property issue.

    Finally, let's just accept the principle that whoever caused the damage pays for the repairs.  This is an entirely separate issue from the flooring noise.  Send him a letter of demand to pay for the paint work.  How to do that and then pursue a case through the Small Claims court is explained HERE.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.