
    Sorry about being absent for so long…

    Where do I start? Some background: The estate is @150 Ha of which about 40 % is housing (126 lots) and infrastructure and the rest is fire trails/bushland at the foot of the blue mountains. Typical by-laws are in place, but no-one thought to include a by-law banning trail bikes and other RVs. The stock standard “peaceful enjoyment” blurb has been trotted out to curb the instance of trail bikes, but is difficult to enforce (as I can see from other posts). We have been unable to generate enough interest to force a by-law amendment (63%), but may try again in the future. As the trail bikes only affect those residents on the periphery of the estate, it’s difficult to get full support. I might add that we’ve had 3 KNOWN cases where ambulances have been called out to attend to injured riders, and the ambos are clearly expecting a fatality at some stage! Can the EC impose “no go zones ” for RVs on common lands, WITHOUT resorting to amending the by-laws? If so, I assume that a loaded EC can then reverse this decision?

    Cheers for now,
