Sir Humphrey

    Your scheme’s by-laws regarding pets could be strengthened. Do you have a by-law stating that pets: must at all times be constrained and on a leash whilst on common property; and that pets must not be permitted to damage or soil common property; and that pet excrement must be double bagged before being placed in the garbage receptacles? 

    You could also establish some norms that would save on administrative bother. Our OC also included in our rule (aka by-law) blanket approval for certain numbers and sorts of animals that would cover most instances of reasonable animal keeping. That way people would know what they can do without needing approval and we would not have lots of residents inadvertently breaching the rules while doing something reasonable. Explicit individual approvals are now only required if you want to have a larger than usual number of animals or an unusual sort of animal. Eg. You would still need to apply if you want to keep an elephant and the EC could still decide that it is reasonable to reject such an application. If you want to have a couple of budgies in a  cage you don’t need approval but if you want a substantial aviary with very many birds, you would still need approval.