
    Thanks a million scotlandx. 

    I have written to the management quoting the sections under the Act. Immediately he turned around and invite me to phone for an appointment. When I did, I got the run around, “we’ll call you back in an hours time with the time” After 2 hours 45 mins, I called them again and hundred of excuses, follow by we will call you back before the end of business today. I asked, “are you trying to prevent me from viewing the strata roll” “no, no, no” 10 mins later they called to fix the time. 20 mins later they called to change the time. This time I got them to confirm the time via email. Why are they preventing owners from viewing and making copy of it?

    Have no clue about the strata roll, please advice which sheets should I copy if I want only the updated details of all unit owners? Do they all display on one sheet? Thanks