Billen Ben

    If the EC failed to elect a Secretary then there is no one to convene the next EC meeting. Enter s19 of the SSMA.

    19   What happens if chairperson, secretary and treasurer are not appointed?

    (1)  An Adjudicator may, on application, make an order appointing a person nominated by the applicant (and who has consented to that nomination) to convene a meeting of the executive committee of the owners corporation if there is not a chairperson, secretary and treasurer of the executive committee of the owners corporation after the first meeting of the executive committee has been held.

    If the EC has had a meeting and no Secretary or Office Bearers exist then you can get another meeting up and running by using s19 and at that meeting the EC should not be allow to close the meeting until office bearers are elected. If it takes all day then so be it.

    It is important these positions are filled and if there are an odd number of EC members then it should not be hard to eventually elect people. If it means vote after vote after vote to eventually fill the positions then emphasize to the EC that if it cannot function at that level then it does not bode well for the rest of the year.