
    Strictly speaking if you are removing wall tiles on a common wall, or moving the position of the the water pipes (or power points) entering the floor or common wall you are doing an improvement and you require a SR passed by GM and are required to add a bylaw stating that you will accept responsibility for the repair and ongoing maintenance of the said improvements. In fact just hammering a nail into common property requires permission of the Strata.

    In reality I would just tell (most people wouldn’t even do this) the EC that you are doing some minor (new kitchen bathroom) renovations within the lot which won’t affect others.

    A lot depends on whether it’s a free standing villa or a huge tower block. I think trying to apply the same rules to both is ridiculous and creates a bureaucratic nightmare.

    Also it depends on how strict your EC is regarding enforcing the bylaws (check how many Special Resolution bylaws have been added and what they were for).

    The EC have to apply the rules fairly to everyone they cannot apply them selectively, so if other have been allowed to you have the same rights.