
    The bath Plug and Waste is Owner according to the link you sent.  And it states clearly “in the opinion of the Department and for information only”.  In other words, it is not a legal definition and cannot be relied on in a law court or tribunal.  It is only a guide

    The question is who is responsible for the waste pipe? 


    Note, your link mentions Bath Plug&Waste, it does not mention Cap Lining or Waste Pipe.  Caps are normally part of the waste pipe as it covers the end of a pipe to connect to the Plug&Waste .  Cap and Lining (cap/lining connection) act as an extension of the waste pipe (it sits between and joins the waste pipe to the plug&waste). Cap/lining connection is basically the “additional added waste pipe” .  My understand is that pipes servicing more than one unit are common property as it feeds into the common property drainage.  The bath waste (outlet) pipe joins into the main pipe (that also services other units) which then connects to the sewage drain of the building to remove the bath foul water. Based on this it seems like the bath Waste pipe and the Cap/lining connection are Strata responsibility for maintenance and repair.  I could not find anything that contradicts this.