
JimmyT is right. There is no way to avoid paying your share of the levies to rectify common property.

On the issue of suing someone for failing to maintain the common property or failing to act thereby exacerbating the problem or some other issue, I would need to know a lot more before being able to give advice on this issue. It is possible but there needs to be clear evidence to make out such a claim.

Finally, if significant work is required, you should consider whether the building should be upgraded to generally improve the value of the units. This will require even more money to obtain Council approvals, prepare designs, etc but the increase in value may offset the total cost.


Chris Kerin

Partner – Building Defects

TEYS Lawyers
The Strata Law Experts
02 9562 6500
Suite 73, Lower Deck
Jones Bay Wharf
26-32 Pirrama Rd
Pyrmont NSW 2009

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