
    Lady Penelope is correct:  a short-term rental agreement isn’t a Residential Tenancy Agreement under the NSW Residential Tenancies Act (see sections 7 and 8(h) specifically), hence it could/would be argued that there is no necessity to advise details for the purposes of listing these occupancies on the Strata Roll.

    Short-Term Rentals are, from night one, a commercial use of a residential property – a breach of Planning legislation.  The NSW Land and Environment Court backs this stance, plus finds mixing STRs with Permanent Residents “fundamentally incompatible”, plus a whole LOT more.

    Sounding like a broken record…(obviously):  this is a Plannng/Zoning issue = it depends on the Determination of Development Application on your building.  If it is zoned Residential, these short-term ‘agreements’ aren’t in keeping with the DA and the conditions of occupancy…back to Local Councils we go and to the State Government to mandate that Local Councils enforce our legislation.
