
    All well and good but some tenancy arrangements are informal (no lease registered) and it assumes the body corporate has registered all electronic passes (mine hasn’t, and when they tried belatedly to do so several years ago found close to 30% non-compliance so gave up)  

    That’s pretty much the point.  Now that you can have the fines paid into the OC’s coffers, it’s a triple win.  Your tenants are registered, you have money in the bank and your landlords think twice before sneaking your tenants in (and your security keys out).

    By the way, the Residential Tenancy Act covers “informal” or undocumented leases, so there is a legal basis for pursuing landlords.  I reckon the Taxperson would take a more than passing interest too.

    Of course, this is contingent on Fair Trading and the Attorney General’s office getting together and working out how they managed to accidentally remove the ability for NCAT to impose fines. The words “booze-up” and “brewery” spring to mind.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.