
    @ccbaxter said:

    I fear an ambush at the AGM where we will have to approve by-laws allowing the building to have the infrastructure put in at the OC’s cost, regardless of how many owners want to be involved, and there won’t be many.

    How can we keep the b

    s honest?

    Well to install PV systems it would be considered an improvement requiring a Special Resolution (75% in favor). The agenda has to state what sort of resolution each one is and this cannot be changed at the AGM. So if the agenda says it’s an Ordinary Motion you can ask it be ruled out of order at the AGM.

    Also I don’t believe you can use the Sinking fund to fund improvements so a special levy would have to be approved as well. The exception would be if their is an entry in the 10 year sinking fund forecast to cover this (unlikely).

    If their is a motion on the agenda to approve PV installation without a quote, obtain your own quote from a supplier to show everyone the likely cost. You are perfectly entitles to send a copy of this quote to ALL owners with your own comments attached.

    Also will this PV system provide power to all units or just a few, or just power common property (common lighting, lifts etc). You cannot use Strata funds to provide a service to just a few units unless those units reimburse the Strata the full cost.