
    In principle I’m a supporter of solar power and a supporter of putting larger installations on fewer but larger roofs (eg factories, schools, strata, etc) rather than on each separate dwelling house.

    But your EC does sound a bit gung-ho and disinclined to answer or discuss your concerns. And there certainly are issues to be answered.

    1) The owners seem to be under the impression that they’ll each be getting their own system. That’s 36 inverters and 36 new meters. Got room to put them?

    2) It would be more efficient for the OC to have one larger system (on the roof that they own) and to use the income to keep levies down. That’s only 1 inverter and 1 new meter.

    3) But the ATO regards that as non-mutual income, which must be (nominally) allocated out to each lot, and each lot has to report that in their individual income tax returns rather than the OC reporing it in theirs. Does the SM know they’ll have to issue 36 group certificates? Do the 36 owners know they’ll have to include this income? Note, there has been a suggestion that the ATO change this ruling, but who knows if/when that will happen.

    4) Do you have a flat (accessible) roof or a pitched roof? Installation and servicing on a 3-storey high pitched roof can be expensive.

    5) Despite having no moving parts, the PV panels do need cleaning to maintain maximum output. Such things as mould growth, bird poo, wind blown debris and dirty rain can all affect performance. Again, difficult on a 3-storey high pitched roof.

    6) Does the local council have any regulations concerning appearance or streetscape? I don’t know whether your council will require a DA to be lodged (+dollars) or whether PVs are now exempt or complying development.

    PeterC, how big is your scheme that used to consume 6MWH/qtr? Sounds very big.